Sunday, June 20, 2010


Sight from my rooftop trip in a truck carying 43 pigs from Monteagudo to Sucre, around 350 km quivering in the top of a Nissan Condor truck, unable to sleep, braving winds and rain.... Once in a life is enough! I arrived at 5:30 before sunset to Sucre's main slaughter site...

Talking to farmers while waiting on the roadside.

Wolf's house in Sucre. Wolf is a German who arrived decades ago to the country as a volunteer and eventually settled there. He is now a member of Hospitality Club. In his house his wife teaches ballet, so straight fowards from the slaughter house I made it to a ballet...

Opposites: the well known colonial architecture and burned cars piled in Sucre's police station after the riots protesting for the presumably illegal way the new Bolivian constitution was sanctioned.

I became a friend of this woman at the Sucre market. She told me she was quite sure during my trip the pigs had passed me their fleas. She consequently described quite graphically the way the fleas would spread al over my body. Here in the picture she ceremomiously lifts a fish for a costumer. Eastern time apporaches...

Vegetable woman...

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